About Me

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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Making Your Own Home-Made Coconut Oil Deodorant

It is no "secret" (get it???) that I love Trader Joe's Organic Virgin Coconut Oil for a great moisturizing body cream ... well add to my list ... Home-Made Organic Virgin Coconut Oil Deodorant!!  Here are the recipes!!
Recipe 1- What You Need:
3 T Coconut Oil
3 T Baking Soda
2 T Shea Butter
2 T Arrowroot (optional)
Essential Oils (optional)
What to do:
Melt shea butter and coconut oil in a double boiler over medium heat until barely melted. UPDATE: Combine in a quart size glass mason jar with a lid instead and place this in a small saucepan of water until melted. This will save your bowl and you can just designate this jar for these type of projects and not even need to wash it out…
Remove from heat and add baking soda and arrowroot (If you don’t have arrowroot, use more baking soda)
Mix well
Add essential oils and pour into a glass container for storage. It does not need to be stored in the fridge.
If you prefer, you can let it cool completely and put into an old deodorant stick for easier use, though it may melt in the summer!
If you don’t have all those ingredients around, or don’t want to wash a double boiler, this recipe is faster and easier:
Recipe 2- What you Need
6 T coconut oil
1/4 cup (4 T) baking soda
1/4 cup (4 T) arrowroot or cornstarch
essential oils (optional)
What to Do:
Mix baking soda and arrowroot together in a medium sized bowl.
Mash in coconut oil with a fork until well mixed.
Add oils if desired.
Store in small glass jar or old deodorant container for easy use.
Why Use Natural Deodorant?
I started this pursuit to avoid the alzheimers and breast cancer, but I’m a lifelong convert because it works! No, really! I was the girl who rejoiced when Secret Clinical Strength came out before prom one year. I’ve had to use regular deo a few times since I started the natural, and it doesn’t work as well. Although not an antiperspirant,  it does seem to absorb a lot of wetness.
After a few weeks of using natural, I noticed an unexpected side effect… I wasn’t sweating as much to begin with. Months later, and I notice this even more!
I urge you to try making your own deodorant. Even if you aren’t daunted by the ingredients in your own deo, wouldn’t you feel better knowing you weren’t putting anything on your skin that you couldn’t eat (not that

Friday, November 30, 2012

A reasonable discussion: Are GMOs Safe?

Is it safe?
Are GMOs Safe?
November 30, 2012 in Digestive problems, Food & Nutrition, Myths & Truths, Toxins
Genetically modified foods (GMOs) have been popular in the news lately ever since California failed to pass Prop 37, which would have required the labeling of GMO ingredients on all products sold within the state. While California may be setting the stage for the discussion of future labeling of GMO foods in our country, currently there is no regulation anywhere in the United States requiring the disclosure of GMO ingredients to consumers. This is in contrast to countries such as those in Europe and South America, who highly regulate the cultivation and sale of genetically modified crops and often require the labeling of foods that contain GMO ingredients (1, 2). In America, unless you buy certified non-GMO food, there is no way to know if your food contains GMOs or not.
So why does it matter if our food contains GMOs? You may have heard from various media sources that genetically modified foods are perfectly safe and there is no evidence to suggest any long term risk from their consumption. On the contrary, there has been some evidence suggesting potential health risks caused by these foods; even scientists within the FDA itself have repeatedly warned that GM foods can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems. (3, 4) With so much conflicting information, it’s hard to tell fact from fiction. Are GMOs safe for human consumption, or not?
What is Genetic Modification?
Genetic modification involves the transfer of genes from one species of plant or animal to another, using techniques that can cause mutations in the genome that may have unintended consequences for the crop’s safety. (5) The imprecise rearrangement of genes can create new proteins in these plants that may trigger allergies or promote disease. (6) Our immune systems often do not recognize these new proteins and may mount an immune attack against them if they enter our bloodstream intact. These unintended gene transfers, along with those that are intended, can lead to significant changes in gut and immune function, and may have long-term consequences that are not yet known to the scientific and medical communities.
In genetically modified corn and cotton, a gene from a bacteria called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) is inserted, which causes a pesticidal toxin to be produced in every cell of the plant. This Bt-toxin kills insects that eat the plant by breaking down its gut lining and killing the insect from septicemia caused by the ensuing blood infection. (7) While this toxin has not been proven to be toxic in this way for humans and other mammals, several recent studies have suggested this toxin could have effects on immune health, gut health, liver and kidney function, and fertility.
The potential dangers of GMOs
The gut is most susceptible to the potential dangers of GMO consumption. Bt toxin produced by GMO corn has been shown to significantly alter immune function in mice, and may cause disrupted immune function in the gut. (8, 9, 10) One study suggested that Bt toxin has toxic effects on human cells in vitro, causing them to die prematurely. (11) This could cause damage to gut endothelial cells if the toxicity is found to occur in vivo. The potential intestinal effects of GMO consumption go beyond Bt toxin. Some argue that gut bacteria are capable of acquiring DNA sequences from GM plants, which could lead to the development of antibiotic resistance in those microbes. (12) It is not yet fully understood what proportion of the GM genes are able to be transferred to gut microbiota.
There have been effects of GM corn found on organs outside of the intestinal system as well. Analysis of Monsanto’s own research and independent research by a lab in France determined that mice and rats eating Bt-toxin producing corn sustained liver and kidney damage. (13, 14) Other harmful effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen and hematopoietic system of these GM corn-fed rats. Bt toxin has also been demonstrated to reduce fertility in mice, with fewer offspring being produced than by mice fed on natural crops. (15) While these are small, preliminary studies, it’s worth investigating the effects GMOs can have on other organs besides the intestines.
Since the research is in its infancy, GMOs may have associated health risks that we do not fully understand. The organization known as The Institute for Responsible Technology has developed a list of potential hazards of GMO consumption, providing a list of references for each health risk discussed. They have amassed a great deal of support for their position that GMOs are dangerous, and much of their information comes from research studies, clinical experience from doctors, and anecdotal evidence from farmers and parents of children who thrived on a GMO-free diet. (Unfortunately, the website’s statements exaggerate the findings of several studies, so it’s best to be a critical thinker and take the information with a grain of salt.)
Why is there still controversy?
Recent reviews have proposed a different story when it comes to GMO safety, arguing that the bulk of the evidence demonstrates no health risks associated with GMO consumption. (16, 17, 18) These reviews found GMOs to be generally safe with no multigenerational effects, but also recommended that more research continue to be performed on the health effects of GMO consumption in mammals. It’s interesting to note, however, that the majority of the studies considered by these reviews had been conducted by biotechnology companies responsible for commercializing these GM plants; this conflict of interest could have an effect on the reporting of certain data. That said, there’s no denying the fact that independent critical reviews have so far found GMOs to be safe in food.
Unfortunately, credible research demonstrating the potential dangers of GMOs is not only sparse, it is also inconsistent. While many scientists argue that GMOs are unsafe for human consumption, there are many more scientists who suggest that the evidence to date has not found any significant health risks from ingesting GMOs. It’s impossible to tell at this point who has the right answer, and it’s unnerving that there is so much controversy over the safety of a food product that is present in 60 to 70 percent of processed foods found in grocery stores. (19)
A verdict on GMOs?There hasn’t been nearly enough research performed on GMOs to make an informed decision on their safety. However, lack of proof is not proof against. While the available evidence is still mixed, it seems likely that genetically modified foods could have an effect on the immune response as well as the permeability of the gut. Whether or not this leads to an increase in disease is yet to be determined. However, if regular consumption of GMOs is able to cause leaky gut, it could play a role in the recent dramatic rise in obesity, diabetes, allergies, autoimmune disease, and infertility in our country.
I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I think there is enough inconsistency in the available evidence to support the removal of GMOs from your diet. Fortunately, purchasing certified non-GMO or organic foods and eating a whole-foods or Paleo diet will allow you to steer clear of most GMO foods on the market. Until more legitimate research is conducted, I believe it’s better to be safe than sorry and avoid genetically modified foods as much as possible.
For more information click HERE.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

University Study Finds Isagenix Superior to Leading “Heart Healthy” Diet

September 20, 2012 IsagenixHealth.net
Dr. Krista Varaday
University of Illinois
Chicago College of Applied Sciences

Dr. Krista Varady discusses clinical research on Isagenix products.
The highly anticipated results are in—Isagenix products are superior to a leading “heart healthy” dietary plan for weight loss and visceral fat loss. The manuscript has been submitted to two peer-reviewed journals and is still under review; however, you can read more details about the study on our clinical research summary and marketing flyer.
Krista Varady, Ph.D., the lead investigator of the study, is a prolific researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Applied Sciences with more than 30 peer-reviewed research publications. She has a Ph.D. in nutrition from McGill University—one of the top universities in Canada. Dr. Varady has devoted much of her time to investigating the ability of weight-management strategies to decrease cardiovascular disease risk and is one of the pioneers in research on alternate-day and intermittent fasting.
Dr. Varady’s research was presented in August at the 10th annual Isagenix Celebration in Phoenix. Eager to share the exciting results, Dr. Varady answered questions from Isagenix Chief Science Officer Suk Cho, Ph.D.:
Q: What did you think when you tried Isagenix?
A: I always try things before I make my subjects do it. I used Isagenix for three weeks in January before we began the study. I didn’t want to lose a ton of weight, but I did want to see if I could lose a few pounds with it. The easy of use was great—no dishes at breakfast or lunch; you didn’t even need to have milk at home. I went out and bought a few shake products to compare it to and I’m not sure what you guys do, but the consistency is like a smoothie. The other shakes were clumpy and it made them less appealing.
Q: What else impressed you about Isagenix products?
A: I was impressed by the Cleanse Day and the high-protein IsaLean® Shake. All the ingredients actually seemed wholesome. I had thought the shake would be a high-sugar beverage, but I found it to be really nutritionally complete.
Q: What attracted you to collaborate with Isagenix on research using their products?
A:  The main thing was that Isagenix incorporates fasting while on Cleanse Days. I find that really novel. If you look at other meal-replacement diets, they never really incorporate fasting or cleansing. Usually it is a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch, but they don’t use all the other products Isagenix uses. I like that it is a multifaceted approach. You are also using supplements that may provide metabolic benefit and protect against free radicals—I thought that was really neat too, but the main thing was that there was a Cleanse Day every week because I am really interested in fasting research.
Q: What can you tell us about the study’s results?
A: Our main finding was that weight loss was actually greater in the Isagenix group. On average they lost 3.9 kg, so that works out to be around 9 pounds or so. Obviously, some lost more and some less, but the Isagenix group lost 3 pounds more on average than the other diet. We also saw those changes with fat mass. With Isagenix, we saw slightly greater reductions (although not significant) in fat mass. Neither group lost a significant amount of lean mass, which is great because you want to maintain your muscle mass to keep your metabolic rate higher and that allows you to burn more calories per hour.
Q: What are the results for visceral fat (fat that surrounds the organs)?
A: Even though it wasn’t statistically significant between groups, we found that there was a much greater reduction in visceral fat in the Isagenix group—about twice as much. They lost 0.7 kg, about 2 pounds. I find that amazing—they lost 2 pounds around their organs—that’s a lot!
Q: What other part of this study’s results do you find most exciting or intriguing?
A: What I found most intriguing at first was the adherence of the Isagenix group; they seemed to adhere better because of the convenience factor of the Isagenix system. Also, the Isagenix group lost more weight and more fat (especially visceral fat); and the blood chemistry looked wonderful.
Q: What other personal observations have you made about the Isagenix products and how they affect subjects?
A: Isagenix people just seemed happier. Also, the satiety (or fullness) aspect; people didn’t feel motivated to binge after a shake or cheat on the diet because they really did find those shakes quite filling, so I was pretty impressed with that. That is the main reason that I am even testing out these diets—to find diets that people will actually do and adhere to over the long term. They liked the taste of the shake and just in terms of the easiness too, they said small things like “there were less dishes to wash” and “for breakfast all you really have to do is keep the blender clean, there’s not that much prep involved and it is a portable system.” But those are actually really important things—if a diet is hard to do, people aren’t going to do it for very long. So making it easy, making it easy to clean up after—all those things add up for long term weight loss.
Q: You had some products left over after the study and people asked you for them, right?
A: Yeah, I had 3 boxes left of the shakes and I have never seen women diving in there, fighting with each other. They were all over each other. Those were gone pretty quickly after we opened them up!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Stocking Up for Emergencies? -- Here's Some Ideas

There were a lot of people laughing at the “preppers” prior to the terrible thrashing by Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast and New England, but who is laughing now?  Many people think that preppers are “end of the world” fanatics … in truth, with all the uncertainty in our world today it is SMART to prepare for anything – weather, terrorist, power outages, unemployment, sun flares -- because most people could not survive even two weeks if something disrupted their routine lives.
If you are in the process of stocking up for the future, or you have just decided you better start, Natural News recommends the following seven food that are nutrient-dense and worth stocking up on for long-term storage.
 1) Raw almonds, almond butter.  When vacuum-sealed in dry form, raw almonds can be stored for many months in the refrigerator or freezer, providing you with instant access to one of the best plant-based sources of protein, healthy fats, and immune-boosting nutrients.
Almond butter is an excellent long-term survival food as well, as vacuum-sealed jars of almond butter can last on the shelf for nine months or even longer, and for up to three months after being opened.
2) Brown rice.  For long-term storage foods, beans and rice probably come to mind, as both of these foods last an incredibly long time when stored dry. Brown rice provides exceptional nourishment and when stored in dry-sealed containers it stays fresh for around five years.
3) Chia, hemp, and other "superfood" seeds.  Organic seeds such as chia and hemp will last several years on the shelf.  Chia seeds, in particular, are loaded with complete protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and lots of vitamins and minerals along with other nutrients.  If you add these seeds to water or other liquids it will maximize the seeds bioavailability.
4) Fresh, unwashed farm eggs. Why unwashed? Fresh, unwashed eggs obtained from local farms or your own chicken coop, have an outer coating that will actually protect the egg and keep them fresh for up to a year if stored in a refrigerator, and three months when stored at room temperature.
5) Carrots. Store your carrots unwashed and covered with sand or mulch and they can be stored for five to six months if put in a dark, cool, well-ventilated area.  They can also be stored in a freezer for up to a year when peeled, cut and blanched.
6) Apples. Like carrots, apples can be stored for many months as well, if properly prepared. Tart, thick-skinned, unwashed apple varieties can last for many months when wrapped individually in newspaper and stored in cardboard boxes. Apples, as well as a host of other fruits, can also be cut up, dried, and vacuum-sealed for long-term storage.
7) Quinoa. Quinoa stored in dried form will last for 25 years or more.  It has about 14 percent protein content, and an essential amino acid profile.  Quinoa is considered a complete food.
To Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037832_superfoods_stockpiling_survival.html#ixzz2BOjnkNMp

Monday, October 29, 2012

Benefits of Body Brushing

Image from terawarner.com
Your skin is your largest single organ within your body, and the one responsible for removing about a quarter of the toxins from your body daily. Because of this, it is the most important of all of your waste elimination organs!
The History of Dry Brushing:
In her article entitled “The Key Benefits of Dry Brushing and How to Do It,” Vanessa O’Neill explains that dry brushing is an ancient technique and aids the skin in the process of releasing and removing toxins from your body. Many cultures have historically practiced dry brushing. For example, the Japanese have traditionally used the dry brush techniques (or loofah) to vigorously brush their skin prior to taking a hot bath.  In our own country, Comanche Indians traditionally used river sand to scrub their skin, and Cherokee Indians used dry corn cobs in order to enhance the strength and beauty of the skin.
Benefits of Dry Brushing:
There are many benefits of dry skin brushing. Dry skin brushing works to exfoliate dead skin cells, aids in stimulating circulation, assists the lymphatic system in removing toxins from the body, and promotes healthy, glowing skin. It is probably one of the simplest and most cost effective ways of promoting overall health and beauty available.
1. Dry brushing cleans the lymphatic system. The lymph system is an important part of our immune system because detoxification starts here.  This system is made up of white blood cells (called lymphocytes) and interstitial fluid. The combination of the blood cells and interstitial fluid bathes our cells, removes cell waste and delivers nutrients to the cells.
2. Dry brushing strengthens the immune system. Dry skin brushing may reduce the duration of infections and accelerate the clearing of toxins. One example of the benefit is that the brushing helps support the immune system during cancer and other chronic illness treatments. By stimulating the lymph vessels to drain toxic mucoid matter into organs of detoxification we can purify the entire system. After several days of dry brushing, sometimes you may notice a gelatinous mucoid material in your stools. This is a normal sign that the intestinal tract is renewing itself.
3. Dry brushing stimulates the hormone and oil glands, which helps all of our body systems perform at peak efficiency. The skin is your body's largest organ. If your skin is not properly taken care of the process of eliminating toxins from your system fall on your kidneys.  Daily brushing before you bathe or shower will keep your skin clean and rejuvenated.  This daily routine allows blood to flow to the skin surface making it easier for the toxins to escape.
4. Dry Brushing tightens the skin by increasing the flow of blood.  Believe it or not, dry skin is a sign of detoxification. With daily brushing, you are removing dead skin cells and revitalizing the skin and improving the skin texture and cell renewal. This process moves toxins and lessens the appearance of cellulite. Our bodies make a new top layer of skin every 24 hours. Skin brushing removes the old top layer, allowing the clean new layer to come to the surface, resulting in softer, smoother skin.
5. Dry Brushing tones the muscles. Hate doing free weights but still want to tone those muscles? Dry skin brushing helps to tone muscles by stimulating the nerve endings which causes the individual muscle fibers to activate and move. Brushing also helps mobilize fat and helps to even out the distribution of fat deposits.
6. Dry brushing stimulates circulation. I mentioned that brushing helps stimulate blood circulation earlier in this post, but did you know that your skin actually breathes? For most people, their pores are so clogged with dead skin cells and un-removed waste (which was excreted through perspiration), the toxins are unable to eliminate your body’s metabolic wastes.   The increased blood flow to your skin will increase electromagnetic energy and you will feel more energized and invigorated.
7. Helps digestion. Dry skin brushing helps your skin to absorb nutrients by eliminating clogged pores. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health. When you brush, the pores of your skin open allowing your skin to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health.
How to Choose the Right Brush:
When choosing a body brush for dry skin brushing, you will want to choose a natural bristle brush because synthetic bristles can actually produce toxins themselves. Body brushes generally come in two different styles – ones that fit in the palm of your hands and ones with a handle on them. Sometimes you can find a palm brush that includes a handle to extend it. Body brushes with handles work well on the back of your body, but may be a little difficult to use in close in areas such as your feet. Choose the stiffest bristles you can stand. The stiffer the bristles are on your body brush, the better as you will be able to generate more lymphatic system stimulation. If your skin is really delicate currently, you may have to work your way up to a stiffer brush over time. Cactus body brushes are excellent for this technique and aids in stimulating circulation, assists the lymphatic system in removing toxins from the body, and promotes healthy, glowing skin. It is probably one of the simplest and most cost effective ways of promoting overall health available.
Dry Skin Brushing Technique:
Image from veggienook.com

1. Always use brush strokes inward and upward toward your heart. Brushing towards the heart facilitates detoxification, while brushing away from the heart can adversely affect circulation in the blood vessels and lymph system.
2. Start with the bottom of your feet first.  Acupuncturists tell us that the nerves in the soles of our feet are connected to every other area of your body. Include clockwise and counterclockwise strokes on the bottoms of your feet.
3. Move up from the feet to the legs, brushing up your torso. Start at the fingertips and move inwards towards your heart. When brushing the sensitive areas like your breast and neck, begin with gentle strokes and work up to stronger strokes as you become more accustomed to dry brushing. Use several clockwise strokes on the stomach, both sides of the chest, and your arm pits. Then repeat these areas with counterclockwise motions. You can also brush in a circular motion on the palms of your hands and soles of your feet. Concentrate on areas which suffer from dryness or cellulite, but avoid areas of broken skin or rashes.
Its best to sit or stand on a towel or in your tub to collect any dead skin from exfoliation.
Do not wet yourself or the brush this will stretch your skin and you will not get the same benefit.
Wash your body brush after use to every few weeks and allow it to dry completely before using again.
It is generally recommended to use dry brushing once or twice a day.
You can experiment to find a method of brushing that is comfortable to you
So now you know the facts. Keep up your dry brushing and you will assist your body in its detoxifying process, increase your circulation, and increase the natural beauty of your skin.  Skin brushing is also notorious for increasing your energy level because of these effects.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why You Should Take an Epsom Salt Bath

I was reading some cleansing tips and one of the suggestions was to take Epsom salt baths.  I had heard that Epsom salts were great for soaks when you sprain and ankle, but I began to wonder how they helped in the detoxing process.
According to the Epsom Salt Council, Epsom salts contain sulfates and the sulfates help to flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells.  .
Our skin is a very porous membrane.  If you add the right minerals to your bathwater, they trigger a process called reverse osmosis, which actually pulls salt out of your body, and harmful toxins along with it.
But how does it work?  Imagine your body as a party with lots of people -- both those who were invited and those who weren't. When the party's over, usually at least some of those uninvited partygoers are still sticking around. It's late, and you're trying to figure out how to politely send them on their way. When you take an Epsom salt bath, those "uninvited" pollutants are told to leave your body. That message is delivered by none other than magnesium sulfate.
A little more about Magnesium Sulfate:  Magnesium helps keep your bodily functions running smoothly, including some of the pathways that lead toxins right out of your body. Sulfate helps to strengthen the walls of your digestive tract so that it's easier to release toxins. As a compound, magnesium sulfate also raises the amount of digestive enzymes in the pancreas.
Epsom Salt Baths: If you're ready for an Epsom salt bath, consider your tub size and water depth before you begin pouring in the salt. More salt isn't necessarily better. The Epsom Salt Council suggests that a common formula is to add a cup or two (about 0.25 or 0.5 liters) of Epsom salt to warm water in a standard-size bathtub. If your bathtub is bigger or smaller than most, you may want to adjust the amount of Epsom salt you add.
The water you use in an Epsom salt bath -- and any bath, for that matter -- should be warm, not hot. Warm or tepid water is best for your skin because it doesn't strip away as much protective oil, and it helps to dissolve the Epsom salt. Before you climb into the bath, make sure that all of the salt has dissolved so that it can be more easily absorbed into your skin. Any salt that hasn't dissolved in the water may dry on your skin as an opaque white powder. If you see this residue on your skin after the bath, don't worry; excess salt should be harmless and is easily rinsed off.
The Epsom Salt Council recommends soaking in an Epsom salt bath for about 15 minutes up to three times per week.
Cautions and Contraindications: Despite the benefits, Epsom salt baths generally aren't recommended for people who have conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure or diabetes. If you aren't sure whether an Epsom salt bath is safe for you, consult your doctor first.
 Epsom salt has been a cure-all for generations: It has been used to soothe aches and pains, and more recently for softening skin, preventing wrinkles and detoxifying your body.  As an example, soothing baths, Epsom salt baths can be incorporated into your beauty routine as a way to exfoliate, as an at-home facial when mixed with a cleansing cream and as bath crystals when mixed with a fragrance.
Now … take some pamper time for yourself, draw a warm bath, swirl in some Epson salts, light some candles …. And relax!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Percentage of Body Fat Calculator

This is a great tool to figure out the percentage of body fat you are carrying.  Even more exciting is watching how much body fat you are LOSING!!!!
About the Body Fat Calculator:
How much fat are you carrying? Find out if you are in the healthy range with this fat calculator. This tool provides: body fat percentage for women, body fat percentage for men. This body fat calculator is based on the body fat algorithms developed by the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corp and the YMCA.
Here is the information you will need to provide so the calculator can calculate your percentage of body fat:
Are you male or female? 
Waist size at narrowest point:  inches
Waist size at your navel:  inches
Hip size at widest point:  inches
Neck at narrowest point:  inches
Select your height: feet and inches
What is your weight?  lbs

SHORT VERSION BODY FAT CALCULATOR: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/bfc
How much fat are you carrying? Find out if you are in the healthy range with this fat calculator. This tool provides: body fat percentage for women, body fat percentage for men. This calculator is based on the YMCA formula.
Information you will need for the short version calculator:
Are you male or female?
What is your waist size? Inches
What is your weight? lbs

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gluten Free Foods Laden with GMO Corn

Remember last week when I posted that most of the corn cereals are manufactured with GMO corn?  Well in this latest article from the Health Ranger we learn that any GLUTEN FREE products produced with corn are also laden with GMO corn.  Read the article below.

Majority of 'gluten-free' foods found to contain GMOs
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(Natural News) In the wake of all the recent revelations about the dangers of GMOs, a special warning needs to go out to all those health-conscious consumers buying "gluten-free" foods. As it turns out, most "gluten-free" foods sold in the USA contain genetically modified organisms.
Why is this so? Because the primary ingredient in most gluten-free foods is corn. And most corn-based foods are made with genetically modified corn. Around 85% of the conventional corn grown in the USA is genetically modified corn, and that corn is engineered to produce its own deadly insecticide right inside every grain.
When GM corn is harvested and made into gluten-free foods, the insecticide stays with it and resides in the gluten-free food. As a result, people who are buying gluten-free are often exposing themselves to the risk of toxicity from GM corn.
What are those risks, exactly? No one knows for sure, as GMOs are still a radical agricultural experiment being conducted on the population at large. But French researchers recently found that feeding a lifetime of GM corn to rats caused a huge increase in the risk of developing horrifying, massive tumors and premature death. The rats who were fed GM corn also suffered widespread organ damage.
For more information about how to avoid these GMO products go to:  http://www.naturalnews.com/037494_gluten-free_GMOs_GM_corn.html

Sunday, October 7, 2012

So You STILL Think Soy is a Health Food

Image from usc.edu
I have written several posts about the dangers of soy because it is a GMO produced crop.  In fact if you are still consuming soy in your morning shakes, drinks and meatless dishes, I can only think you are just not paying attention or you have a death wish.  Just kidding about the death wish thing, but soy is VERY detrimental to your health.
I read an article by Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist (http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/170-scientific-reasons-to-lose-the-soy-in-your-diet/) and I am going to share part of the article with you.
Sarah quotes from an article entitled “The Whole Soy Story” by Dr. Kaayla Daniel.
1.  A 1991 study found that eating only 2 TBL/day of roasted and pickled soybeans for 3 months to healthy adults who were receiving adequate iodine in their diet caused thyroid suppression with symptoms of malaise, constipation, sleepiness, and goiters (Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1991, 767: 622-629)!
2.  Six premenopausal women with normal menstrual cycles were given 45 mg of soy isoflavones per day.  This is equivalent to only 1-2 cups of soy milk or 1/2 cup of soy flour!   After only one month, all of the women experienced delayed menstruation with the effects similar to tamoxifen, the anti-estrogen drug given to women with breast cancer (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994 Sep;60(3):333-340).
3.  Dietary estrogens in the form of soy foods were found to have the potential to disrupt the endocrine system with the effects in women similar to taking the breast cancer drug tamoxifen (Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1995 Jan;208(1):51-9).
4.  Estrogens consumed in the diet at low concentrations were found to stimulate breast cells much like DDT to increase enzymatic activity which leads to breast cancer (Environmental Health Perspectives 1997 Apr;105 (Suppl 3):633-636).
5.  The soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein appear to stimulate existing breast cancer growth indicating risk in consuming soy products if a woman has breast cancer. (Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2001 Sep;35(9):118-21).
6.  Direct evidence that soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein suppress the pituitary-thyroid axis in middle-aged rats fed 10 mg soy isoflavones per kilo after only 3 weeks as compared with rats eating regular rat chow (Experimental Biology and Medicine 2010 May;235(5):590-8).
7.  Don’t eat soy when you are pregnant ladies!  Scientific research has shown that the developing male fetus which is exposed to soy phytoestrogens may suffer from higher susceptibility to prostate cancer later in life (Prostate 1994;24(2):67-78).
8.  Keep that soy away from your daughters!   Dietary genistein (soy phytoestrogen) in developing female rats had the effect of significantly accelerated puberty (Toxicol Sci 1999 Oct;51(2):236-44).
9.  Hey guys! Soy protein powder strips your masculinity!  A study of 12 men aged 18 years and older experienced a 19% drop in serum testosterone in only 28 days when supplemented with 56 grams of soy protein powder over that same time period (Prev 2007;16:829–33).
10.  Do NOT feed soy formula to your babies!  Female newborns who are orally exposed to genisin, the glycosylated form of genistein (soy phytoestrogen) experienced harm to the reproductive system in the form of “delayed vaginal opening… abnormal estrous cycles, decreased fertility, and delayed parturition.” (Environmental Health Perspective 2009 Dec;117(12):1883-9).
This is only 10 of the reason you should totally eliminate soy from your diet.  If you are interested in more studies, google and read the article, “The Whole Soy Story.”

Friday, September 28, 2012

Top 10 Breakfast Cereals Most Likely to Contain Monsanto's GMO Corn

This article from NaturalNews.com is SCARY but IMPORTANT!! Can you imagine what these cereals are doing to our kids as they happily munch them in the morning? Please click the link and read this article.

The information in this article is also true for other GMO crops like soy and wheat.

Be informed ... Stay Healthy!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

How to Identify GMO Produce at Your Grocery Store

As a follow up to my article from yesterday (Why Should You Be Concerned About GMO Produced Crops ), I wanted to add a handy guide for identifying GMO, conventionally grown and organically grown fruits and vegetables.  
You have probably noticed the little sticker or stamp on the produce in the grocery store.  Those are called PLU codes (Price Look Up codes).  The codes are used for input into electronic cash registers to determine prices for bulk items, such as apples and cabbage. The codes identify exactly what the item is with its current pricing, while giving the consumer a handy tag for identifying GMO produce.
Each PLU code has five digits. If the first digit is a 9, the item is organic. If it is an 8, it is GMO! Conventionally grown produce has a 0 for the first digit, but usually the 0 is dropped. So most conventionally grown produce will actually have only 4 digits on the PLU tag if you don't see a 0 at the beginning. The 8 gives you the worst of two worlds, GMO and heavy chemical spraying!
I have also noticed that if the produce doesn’t have the sticker attached, the code can be found on the signage above the produce identifying the product and the price.
Obviously, buying organic from local farmers is ideal. Buy bulk and pass up packaged foods. If you buy locally, through a local health food store or at a farmers' market, you can determine by direct communication how the crops were raised.  In our town, Market of Choice actually identifies the local farm that grows the produce they are selling in their store.
I love to grow my own greens and tomatoes.  They are simple to grow both inside and out.  You can have a fresh, “clean” salad in minutes.  Plus, in my opinion, nothing tastes better than home grown food!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why Should You Be Concerned About GMO Produced Crops?

Image from polyp.org.uk

This is an excerpt of an article I received from www.naturalnews.com.  I feel it is an important issue that I know many of you are also concerned about – GMO (genetically modified organisms) grown crops.  Monsanto created DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, marketed aspartame, and created bovine growth hormone (rBGH) to infect milking cows that put pus into commercial milk.
So far, GMOs have invaded soy, corn, beets (for beet sugar), cotton, and alfalfa agriculture. Many GMO edibles are contained surreptitiously in a wide variety of processed foods, while GMO corn and soy are used by unnatural factory farm feed lots. 
GMOs damage crops, the environment, and the food chain.  NaturalNews  has written several articles describing GMOs' inherent human and animal health hazards as well as crop and environmental dangers (http://www.naturalnews.com/GMO.html).  They create sterility and birth defects among animals and humans. Most of the honey bee die-off, or colony collapse, is attributed to glyphosates. If enough pollinating bees disappear, our food chain is endangered further.
Why you should be concerned?
“Maybe the reasons summarized above are too abstract. So let's get personal. Contrary to mainstream media's (MSM) outlook, the jury is not out on GMOs. GMOs do destroy human and animal health while endangering non-GMO crops with contamination. That's been discovered by several scientists acting independently.
“They jeopardize their careers and even their lives by communicating what they find while the MSM ignores them. Anti-GMO activist and author Jeffrey Smith lists the casualties and summarizes Monsanto's harassment here: (http://www.sott.net)
“Agro-ecologist Don Lotter, Ph.D. released an inside scoop when he stated:
“’The promoter gene used ... [the] cauliflower mosaic virus, ... [was assumed to be] denatured in our digestive system, but it's not. It has been shown to promote the transfer of transgenes from GM foods to the bacteria within our digestive system, which are responsible for 80 percent of our immune system function.’”
Sources for this article include:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Landmark Study: Anti-Aging & Telomerase

In a landmark study demonstrating “proof of principle” of the feasibility and safety of “slowing or turning back the clock,” Spanish researchers gave aged mice a single treatment to stimulate genetic expression of telomerase that extended health and lifespan by up to 24 percent.

My company is defintely leads in the anti-aging arena. Check out this video. You will be amazed!!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Eat Your H20!

Posted by: Rachel Beller MS, RDBiggest Loser Nutritionist
Hydrating and scoring antioxidants can be a one-shot deal!
 Studies suggest that water can suppress appetite, decrease caloric intake, boost metabolism and even allow you to push harder during workouts. Yes, drinking water is great, but sometimes you need a boost to meet your hydration goals during the summer heat. What could be better than foods that hydrate, keep you full and help you get lean?
 Drink up with my top 10 hydrating fruits and vegetables!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Exercises for People with Bad Knees

My friends know that my knees are really bad.  In fact, they are bone-on-bone, so doing most exercises is very difficult for me.  I found this article by Maura Banar on www.livestrong.com that offers several suggestions for people like me who have bad knees.  I am getting started this week.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Step 1
Swim at least 3 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes. Swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises you can do with no impact on your knees. Swimming also provides resistance training, which strengthens the muscles surrounding the knees. If possible, swim in moderately warm water so that your muscles aren't prone to injury from sudden movement while contracted from cold water. Warm up with light stretching in the water before swimming and avoid the butterfly stroke, which can make knee pain and injury worse.
Step 2
Ride a stationary or regular bicycle for 30 to 45 minutes at least 4 days a week. Cycling doesn't cause impact, but it does provide resistance, especially on hills. Keep this in mind when cycling and consult with your physical therapist or fitness professional to determine the appropriate amount of resistance for your knee condition. Recumbent bicycles are also great for even less resistance on the knees and lower back and can be used outdoors or in your local gym.
Step 3
Use an elliptical machine, either at the gym or at home. Elliptical machines exercise both the upper and lower body, with resistance rather than impact. The benefit of using the elliptical is that you can choose to use your arms more to control the movement, rather than completely relying on your legs. If you can only use your legs for short periods of time, the elliptical may be right for you. In addition, you can increase the incline of the elliptical machine, which increases the amount of resistance, if necessary.
Step 4
Exercise your upper body. Lift weights, use fitness machines at the gym or resistance bands at home. You can strengthen your upper body and build muscle mass and burn fat, all without using your knees. Do at least five different exercises of 8 to 12 repetitions. For aerobic benefit, rest for 30 to 45 seconds between sets. This is also known as "interval training" and is an effective way to stay in good cardiovascular shape without aggravating your knees. For aerobic benefit and weight loss, aim to keep your heart at 50 to 75 percent of its target rate during the workout. Be sure to warm up and cool down for 15 minutes before and after your upper-body training.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/205185-how-to-exercise-with-bad-knees-to-lose-weight/#ixzz25fL88AVo

Thinking About It Diet!!!

Okay ... this does it .... I am off the "ThinkAboutItDiet" and starting the "DoingItDiet!!!"

Join Me .... log onto

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Where the Hell is Matt? 2012

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could unite the whole world in dance instead of war?  I love this video and wanted to share it with you.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Clothes Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Image from lonlyreload.com
After clothes are made, they are often covered with formaldehyde to keep them from wrinkling or becoming mildewed during shipping. Formaldehyde as a preservative also adds to vaccines' toxicity.
Several severe allergic reactions to formaldehyde have been reported. It's no wonder. Investigations have discovered up to 500 times the safe level of formaldehyde in clothing shipped to brand name clothiers form factories in China and Southeast Asia.
There's also the long term, negative, cumulative effect on health that is almost impossible to trace back to any source of clothing chemicals. Formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals are used to create synthetic fibers for towels and bedding. Textile toxins are hard to avoid even when you're out of your clothes.
Another commonly used clothing chemical is nonylphenol ehtoxylate (NPE). NPE use is restricted in most regions where the big name brand clothes are sold. But there are no restrictions where the clothing factories are located in China and Southeast Asia. Fourteen big name brands get their clothing from clothing factories using NPE.
Wrinkle free or no-iron should be considered a warning for carcinogenic perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). Teflon for pans is a PFC. Petrochemical dyes are used for fibers in those Asian textile factories that profusely pollute nearby waterways.
Dr. Richard Dixon of the World Wildlife Federation warns about the ecological impact on wildlife: "Urgent action is needed to replace hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives especially in clothing and other consumer products." (Emphasis added).
Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) are commonly used as detergents in textile industries abroad that are contracted by multi-national USA and EU-based clothing companies. NPEs break down to form nonylphenol, a toxin with hormone-disrupting properties similar to BPA. (http://www.naturalnews.com)
Black clothing and dyes for leathers often contain p-Phenylenediamine (PPD), which can produce allergic reactions. Flame retardants can appear in bedding and nightwear. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and dioxin-producing bleach are used by textile industries. Athletic shoes that contain cloth contain some of these toxins.
How to protect yourself
Read clothing labels and try to avoid synthetic materials such as Rayon, Nylon, Polyester, Acrylic, Acetate or Triacetate as much as possible. Also avoid no-iron, wrinkle free and preshrunk items.
Whenever that's impossible, wash and dry those clothes three times before wearing. Use only safe, organic detergents from health food stores. Also, avoid those dryer sheets to prevent clinging unless you can find them without toxic chemicals. (http://www.naturalnews.com/001061.html)
Even used clothing purchased from thrift stores such as Goodwill may be sprayed with some skanky chemical before they're put up for sale. Wash and dry them at least once. Stay away from dry cleaners that use perchloroethylene. There are some that don't.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037038_new_clothes_toxic_chemicals_washing.html#ixzz25KzlRNHS

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Belly Fat Worse for Your Heart Than Obesity

Belly fat worse for your heart than obesity, study suggests

From http://todayhealth.today.com/_news/2012/08/27/13508211-belly-fat-worse-for-your-heart-than-obesity-study-suggests?lite

People who are normal weight but carry extra fat around their belly have a higher risk of dying from heart disease than obese people, a new study suggests.
The findings add to a growing body of research that so-called visceral fat, or fat around the organs of the abdomen, is particularly bad for health.
“Our research shows that if a person has a normal BMI, this by itself should not reassure them that their risk for heart disease is low. Where their fat is distributed on their body can mean a lot," said study researcher Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
The study involved 12,785 U.S. adults who participated in a national survey and were followed for an average of 14 years. During that time, 2,562 participants died, including 1,138 from heart disease.
Researchers classified the study participants as normal weight if their body mass index (BMI) was between 18.5 and 24.9, overweight if their body mass index was 25 to 29.9 and obese if their body mass index was above 30. The amount of weight they carried around their waist was determined by their waist-to-hip ratio.
Participants were divided into six groups based on which of the three BMI groups they fell into, and whether they had a normal or high waist-to-hip ratio. Men whose waist measurement was 90 percent or more of their hip measurement were considered to have a high hip-to-waist ratio. The same was true of women; those with waists that were 85 percent of their hip size were classified as having a high hip-to-waist ratio.
Participants with normal BMI but a high waist-to-hip ratio had the risk of dying of cardiovascular disease, and the highest risk of dying from any causes among the six groups.
The risk of cardiovascular death was 2.75 times higher, and the risk of death from any cause was 2.08 times higher among normal-weight people with "central obesity," compared with normal-weight people who had a normal waist-to-hip ratio.
"The high risk of death may be related to a higher visceral fat accumulation in this group, which is associated with insulin resistance and other risk factors," said study researcher Dr. Karine Sahakyan, also of Mayo Clinic.
The study was presented Aug. 27 at the European Society of Cardiology meeting in Munich.