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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why Should You Be Concerned About GMO Produced Crops?

Image from polyp.org.uk

This is an excerpt of an article I received from www.naturalnews.com.  I feel it is an important issue that I know many of you are also concerned about – GMO (genetically modified organisms) grown crops.  Monsanto created DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, marketed aspartame, and created bovine growth hormone (rBGH) to infect milking cows that put pus into commercial milk.
So far, GMOs have invaded soy, corn, beets (for beet sugar), cotton, and alfalfa agriculture. Many GMO edibles are contained surreptitiously in a wide variety of processed foods, while GMO corn and soy are used by unnatural factory farm feed lots. 
GMOs damage crops, the environment, and the food chain.  NaturalNews  has written several articles describing GMOs' inherent human and animal health hazards as well as crop and environmental dangers (http://www.naturalnews.com/GMO.html).  They create sterility and birth defects among animals and humans. Most of the honey bee die-off, or colony collapse, is attributed to glyphosates. If enough pollinating bees disappear, our food chain is endangered further.
Why you should be concerned?
“Maybe the reasons summarized above are too abstract. So let's get personal. Contrary to mainstream media's (MSM) outlook, the jury is not out on GMOs. GMOs do destroy human and animal health while endangering non-GMO crops with contamination. That's been discovered by several scientists acting independently.
“They jeopardize their careers and even their lives by communicating what they find while the MSM ignores them. Anti-GMO activist and author Jeffrey Smith lists the casualties and summarizes Monsanto's harassment here: (http://www.sott.net)
“Agro-ecologist Don Lotter, Ph.D. released an inside scoop when he stated:
“’The promoter gene used ... [the] cauliflower mosaic virus, ... [was assumed to be] denatured in our digestive system, but it's not. It has been shown to promote the transfer of transgenes from GM foods to the bacteria within our digestive system, which are responsible for 80 percent of our immune system function.’”
Sources for this article include:

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