About Me

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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Re-Grow Your Green Onions

Here is a great idea from the Homesteading/Survival Blog.

Image from Homesteading/Survival Blog
Did you know you can regrow your green onions??

You can cut off the roots and put them in water, then the roots will absorb the water and start to grow a new green onion. It takes a good 2-3 weeks for the green onion to grow completely so... you can use it again, but it grows a whole new one!!!

If you like this idea, you’ll want to get this book - Grow it, Don’t Throw It!: 68 Windowsill Plants from Kitchen Scraps: http://amzn.to/TA9DD4

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