About Me

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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nutrition Month Tip: Eat Less Omega-6 for More Omega-3

The need to increase omega-3 fats—alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) found in flax seed and walnuts; eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) found in fish—has sprung to the forefront of any healthy diet plan. These beneficial fats are profoundly beneficial for our hearts, our brains, our skin, and even our joints. Yes, these fats are vital to our health.

Switching to a diet lower in omega-6 oils may improve omega-3 status, a new study suggests.

The dietary shifts that took place in the 20th century because of developments in food processing to animal feeding-operations not only displaced important aspects of a sustainable food-system, but also displaced these essential fatty acids in our diets. A common misconception is that nutritional quality of foods decreased, alongside reduced intake of omega-3s. While it would seem that the Western diet is replete in everything but omega-3 fats, this is not the case.  Findings published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition are that North Americans are  not consuming less omega-3 fatty acids; from 1909 to 1999, omega-3 consumption increased!

So, then, what is the problem?

While dietary intake of omega-3s has seen a modest increase, consumption of its counterpart, omega-6, has skyrocketed. According to the study, over the last century, consumption of omega-6 fatty acids, particularly linoleic acid (LA) from soy and corn oil, increased more than a thousand fold! This is the likely reason why most of us have a reduced concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in our bodies. Why? Omega-3s and omega-6s are both essential for our health, but unfortunately they compete with one another for access to enzymes and entrance into tissues. Too much of omega-6 leads to too little of omega-3. When consumption of dietary omega-6 increased disproportionally to dietary omega-3, with it came a jump in chronic health problems. This is thought to be because omega-6 oils are precursors to pro-inflammatory compounds where as omega-3s are less so.

So, our last tip for National Nutrition Month is: make omega-3 fats a focus of your diet. If your diet is too rich in omega-6, then the omega-3s simply can’t contend. Take control of your dietary fats by following these simple, practical, suggestions:
·         Switch oils! Avoid vegetable cooking oils that are high in omega-6. Use olive oil instead. 
·         Avoid high-fat, processed foods
·         Eat fish at least two times weekly and take a fish oil supplement. Fish oil is the best source of dietary eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), the long-chain omega-3 fats that are associated with the majority of the benefits, especially to cardiovascular health. A quality fish oil supplement like Isagenix IsaOmega Supreme™ will be free of heavy metals, PCBs and dioxins.
·         Eat foods containing flax seed or walnuts. They contain a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, not to mention dietary fiber. Examples are Isagenix IsaLean® Shake or SlimCakes®, which feature flax seed.
·         Enjoy IsaCrunch hemp seed as a snack or in salads, soups and yogurts. This ancient food serves as a good source of protein and provides an ideal ratio of 3:1 omega-6 to omega-3 fats, which is similar to what our hunter-gatherer ancestors are likely to have eaten.
Leading a healthy lifestyle may feel like an uphill battle, but it doesn’t have to. Yes, some dietary factors are out of our control, but we can arm ourselves with knowledge. Selectively choosing oils and electing to stay away from others will boost your omega-3 status and keep you healthier, longer.

Reference: Blasbalg TL et a. Changes in consumption of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the United States during the 20th century. AJCN 2011.

Article from Isagenix Health News – www.isagenixhealth.net

SparkPeople's 30 Days to a Greener Lifestyle Calendar

April is a terrific month to start your new leaner, cleaner, greener lifestyle because spring is finally here, Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd, and we are all ready to get out of the house after a long winter of being cooped up.  The folks at SparkPeople.com (see their link under my Favorite Links) make it even easier by providing a great 30 Day Calendar with a tip each day for how you can make even a little change to make your life and the world a little greener!

Download a copy of the calendar HERE .  It is a PDF file, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download it.

Hey ... Let's do this together ... Share your progress in the comments area here ... I think it will be fun!!  I will be putting a tip on my FB page each day in April, so comment on how you are doing there too.

Have a happy, green, day!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Use Shorter Workouts to Build Consistency

Fitness News Flash-- By Nicole Nichols, Fitness Instructor & Health Educator

Most experts recommend that you exercise up to 90 minutes most days of the week, emphasizing that you gradually work your way up to that duration. However, a recent study conducted at Boston Sports Clubs found that participants who exercised for 20-30 minutes did so more consistently than those involved in 45-60 minute workout sessions. This study shows that you’re more likely to stick to a shorter duration workout than a longer one.
Action Sparked
If you’re having trouble staying consistent with exercise (and most of you tell us you are ), try a shorter workout session. Tell yourself that you’ll exercise for 10 or 15 minutes, and follow through with it. Of course 10 minutes of exercise is better than totally skipping a workout. But, once you’ve hit that small goal (whether it’s 5, 10, or 20 minutes), ask yourself if you could keep going. You may find that planning on a short workout is enough to get you to the gym, and once you’re there, you can do a lot more than you thought.
Article from: www.sparkpeople.com

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My First Podcast: What to do with those Citrus Peels!!!

Welcome to my first podcast here on Lean Clean Green Lifestyle.  I am really excited.  This episode is all about how to use left over citrus peels around the house.

On the podcast I also promised a recipe for candied citrus peels to use for decorating desserts ... or just for a fun treat.

Enjoy!!   Listen to this episode

 Candied Citrus Peels

1 cup citrus peels (orange, lemon, lime, etc), cut into thin strips
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup water

1. Place peel strips into a large saucepan and cover with water.  Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes longer.  Drain and repeat this process two more times.
2.  In a medium saucepan, heat sugar and 1/4 cup of water over high heat until boiling.  Place peel in sugar mixture, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes until sugar is dissolved.  Remove peel with a slotted spoon and dry on wire rack overnight.  Store in airtight container.

Nutritional Info - Serving Size: 4
Calories: 121     Total Fat: 0.1g     Cholesterol: 0mg     Sodium: 1mg     Total Carbs: 31.3g     Dietary Fiber: 2.7g     Protein: 4g

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Video from National Geographic: Safer Cleaning Solutions

Hi!!  To follow up with my post from yesterday I found a great video from National Geographic that discusses safer alternative cleaning solutions.  Kim talks about the eight basic natural cleaning products: baking soda, borax, distilled white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemons & lemon juice, olive oil, vegetable based liquid castile soap and washing soda.  She also give a recipe for a natural glass cleaner.

National Geographic Video: Are you making a cleaner home or a dirtier environment?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Going Down the Drain .... The Natural Way!!

Here is my GREEN tip for unclogging slow or plugged drains the natural way using Baking Powder & Vinegar.

Recently I purged the whole house of caustic/dangerous/non-green type cleaning products.  So when my sink plugged up I needed something that would unplug it .... but was safe for me and the environment.  I found something really kewl!!

Remember the old volcanoes we used to make in grade school? To create that fabulous "erupting" volcano, we used baking soda and vinegar. We are going to use the same products to unclog our drains.  Pour one cup baking soda and one cup of vinegar down the plugged or slow drain (be sure the water is out of the sink or tub first!)   Then plug the drain (or drains if it is a double sink). When the foaming is done, you should have faster moving drains.

This natural solution replaces Sodium Hydroxide (caustic soda or lye).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Article: What's Holding Americans Back? by Gerald Celente

Picture from: thescienceblog.com
11/05/10 Rhinebeck, New York — What had happened to that rebellious Yankee spirit and the American mind? Could it have been the food that overstuffed and immobilized them?

The Pop-Tarts® and Egg McMuffins® washed down with Coke® for breakfast? The Baconator® Triple, The Whoppers®, The Big Macs®, the $5 Foot-Long Subs, the bucket-of-chicken and 32oz. Big Gulp®? Too many trips to the All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet or The Never Ending Pasta Bowl®? Or was it the Slurpees, tubs of ice cream, or boxes of donuts grabbed at the convenience store?

Could it have been the factory-farmed, battery-raised, hormone implanted, antibiotic-laced, pesticide sprayed, genetically modified beef, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy, vegetables, grains that were used in the highly processed, synthetic, ultra pasteurized, artificially sweetened, colored and flavored “product” passed off as food?

What drove a nation with a relatively well-off and well-educated population to inflict such suicidal behavior upon itself? It was easy to point to the poor for buying cheap and eating stupid. But what excused the smartest of the smart and the richest of the rich from buying cheap and eating stupid?

A case in point: celebrated for “powering his way through the day with a punishing Diet Coke regimen,” even Obama’s chief economic advisor – the always “brilliant” Larry Summers (who brilliantly jumped the sinking ship of state when his “brilliant” economic strategy to rescue America failed brilliantly) – was too stupid to eat smart.

A look around the cabinet, survey of Capital Hill, AMA, ABA, PTA or pow wow of American Indian chiefs proved he was not alone. America had become one big “Mike & Molly” sitcom. Yet, even though just about everybody knew better, just about everybody made the same excuse for abusing the body and deadening the mind: it was cheap and/or it was convenient.

Sure, money was tight and time was precious, but plenty of people were still going to the malls and spending big on hi-tech, high-end running shoes, taking vacations, eating out and buying new cars. Even low-end shoppers at Dollar Stores – while saving a buck – were filling their carts with junk snacks, junk soft drinks and junk “Made in China” bric-a-brac.

Or was it something in the polluted air and fluoride-treated water that deadened individual pride, courage, passion and self respect? Could it have been the quadzillions of tons of chemical mix poisoning the planet that made everyone susceptible?

Or could it have been the medicine chests full of Lipitor®, Oxycontin®, Xanax®, Celebrex®, Paxil® … or the Ritalin® force-fed to kids and gobbled down like M&Ms® that deadened heir minds or whacked them out? Whether prescribed indiscriminately as quick fix, symptom-relief solutions by legal “pushers” (a.k.a. doctors) or unwittingly washed down with a glass of municipally doctored “pharma-water,” voluntarily or involuntarily, a large segment of the populace was doing drugs.

Drugs Found in Drinking Water

A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows. (AP, 10 March 2008)

Or was it the “food for thought”? Could it have been the mind-numbing news served 24/7 by networks, cable and radio? All those know-it-alls — anchors, big mouths, blow-hards, clowns, pundits, experts, strategists, think tank wankers — telling audiences what to think, how to think and what to believe?

Food, pharmaceuticals, movies, music, TV, literature, art, fashion — down the line, across the board, from top to bottom, every sector was monopolized by the unholy trinity of Big Government, Big Business and Big Media.

The “American Century” — an age of opportunity characterized by the entrepreneur — had passed into history. America had been corporatized, homogenized, dumbed down and chained to the chains … and by the chains … restaurant chains, retail chains, movie chains, funeral home chains, auto-parts chains. They had cornered the market on everything they could get their hands on: tires, eye glasses, mufflers, dental care, banks, brokerages, drug stores, hardware, pet supplies.

Even in the mad rush of the monopolistic, oligopolistic, mega-maniacals to control the market place, there was room for the individual entrepreneur to flourish. In certain sectors, particularly retail and food, the quality conscious “Davids” — providing gourmet/unique products, tasteful ambience, impeccable service — could operate among the Goliaths.

If you were chained to a chain, you were chained. Working for a chain or patronizing a chain, there would be no real freedom until the chains were boycotted and finally broken. It would take a mass awakening; a quality revolution across the socioeconomic spectrum to bring down the gluttonous Goliaths.

Yet, in 2010, it was still neither welcome nor “politically correct” (itself an oxymoron since nothing “political” is “correct”) to tell Americans to look in the mirror to see what they had become; overweight, overstressed, overmedicated, under-motivated, slovenly dressed. A trip to Wal-Mart spoke a thousand words. The American psyche was reflected in the American physique.

Of all the Renaissance-related trends forecast by Gerald Celente and The Trends Research Institute, few could play a more powerful role in the creation of a new society than the upcoming Agrarian Revolution. From titillating the taste buds and nourishing the body, to providing the satisfaction of getting fit by working the land and living with — and from — nature, the trend would revivify Americans.

Besides providing millions of jobs and new entrepreneurial opportunities (especially for the young unemployed and the many unemployables) the Agrarian Revolution was a unique feature of the “American Renaissance.”

“Renaissance”! The word conjures up an image of the artistic and cultural ferment that began in 14th and 15th century Italy and subsequently spread across Europe. When asked what to do with his excesses of wealth, Cosimo de Medici’s answer was “create beauty.”

The “American Renaissance” that begins in the 21st century will not be initiated by excess wealth, but rather by pressing need. And it will have different distinguishing features, among them: the rebirth of food. For, finally, both the man in the street and the man in the ghetto would realize the life and death consequences of eating well; that, yes, “you are what you eat.”

Already in 2010, the seeds of change could be seen in the farmers’ markets, “buy local” movements, urban gardens and roof gardens that were sprouting up around the nation. Backyards and lawns that once grew nothing but grass were now growing food.


Gerald Celente
for The Daily Reckoning

[Editor's Note: The above essay is excerpted from The Trends Journal, which is published by Gerald Celente. The Trends Journal distills the ongoing research of The Trends Research Institute into a concise, readily accessible form.]

Gerald Celente is founder and director of The Trends Research Institute, author of Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking (Warner Books), and publisher of The Trends Journal. He has been forecasting trends since 1980, and recently called “The Collapse of ’09.” Also a Close Combat practitioner and black belt trainer, Celente has made many media appearances including Oprah, CNN, The Today Show, Good Morning America, NBC Nightly News, C-Span, and CNBC. He has been cited in the Economist, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Entrepreneur, USA Today, and many other publications.

Read more: What’s Holding Americans Back? [Article pulished in The Daily Reckoning online newsletter]

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Coming Soon -- My Lean Dining Wiki

The “Lean” part of this blog is focused creating a healthier relationship to food for me. This past year I have lost 100 pounds so far, and I have changed my eating habits a lot!

I have been overweight all of my life. Therefore I have been on a diet most of my life too. So I am very educated about calories, nutrients, foods, etc. I didn’t eat a lot at each meal, but I did eat too much of the wrong things and not enough of the right things! For example, I love bread and could eat a ton of it at any meal, but when it came to vegetables … not so much. Vegetables to me were potatoes, peas, corn, green beans, ice berg lettuce and tomatoes. As vegetables go … probably not the best choices. I didn’t eat a lot of beef (unless it came between two buns from a fast food place), because I can’t seem to digest beef. The only meats I eat consistently are chicken and turkey. Since there is only my husband and me here to eat the food we prepare, we would often eat the whole recipe at a meal even if it was meant for four servings.

I knew that if I was going to lose weight and live a leaner, cleaner, greener lifestyle, these old eating habits had to go. Little by little I have been making the transition from meat based meals to meals that have less meat and more veggies. I have given up my old favorite veggies and have been trying new ones. Who knew I would come to love yams!!! I made a roasted root vegetable dish the other night with yams, carrots, rutabaga, celery root (huh???), with a little virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar … we just couldn’t believe how delicious it was.

The one thing that Tom and I hated giving up when I decided to make these changes to my diet was going out to eat. It was a fun way for us to be together and discuss the day or to meet with friends and catch up. And who celebrates anything without going out? So this was a hurdle I had to overcome. Google was a GREAT for helping me with the process. Tom and I no longer went out to dinner “spontaneously.” We always made a plan to go out. This made it seem even more special ... almost like a date! Before we go out to dinner, I would Google the restaurant and check out the nutrition information for their meals. We would pre-select the meals before we left the house. It worked like a charm. We could get to go out for the evening, enjoy the meal, then come home and not feel guilty.

In her book, Isabody Beautiful, Susan Sly explains that “the human body can only properly digest about 600 calories in one sitting. Anything beyond this can easily be converted to fat.” So, now when I select what I am going to have at the restaurant I make sure that the entire meal falls under 600 calories.

I would like to use this wiki to share some of my Lean Dining restaurant meals with all of you. If you come across some great dishes, please add them along with mine. I think it will be fun and helpful for everyone who wants to feel free to go out with family and friends even though they are dieting. This wiki can also be helpful for those who are looking for all vegetarian cuisine, gluten free restaurants, and restaurants who only use local, fresh organic foods.

Thank you in advance for your contributions. Bon Appetite!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Another Dangerous Wave Arriving from Japan

The U.S. Northwest was relieved when tsunami threat from the Japan earthquake was not as devastating as predicted.  Now we hear that we are about to be bombarded by another, even more dangerous wave from Japan this weekend.  This wave is from the nuclear fall-out due to reactor failures in Japan. 

Picture by Alfredo Rivera, 2009 on Flickr
 Last night I heard a discussion by Dr. John W Apsley, MD(E), DC.  He outlined the dangers from the initial radioactive fall-out and the other stages of radiation threats that will follow. 

Dr. Apsley states that the initial threat is airborne which will contain particles of radioactive metals uranium, plutonium, cesium and strontium.  It will fall on us as a normal part of rainfall, dust particles, etc.  The next stage occurs when the radiation toxins get into our water supply and food chain.  The second stage leads directly to the third stage of danger.   At this stage our bodies are being exposed to extremely low levels of radiation over a long period of time.  Many scientists believe that the third stage is actually the most dangerous.

In his book, Clean, Green & Lean, Dr. Walter Crinnion says that your body stores up environmental toxins like a bank.  And you carry around these toxins sometimes for years.  The liver and other organs designed to cleanse these toxins from our systems are simply overwhelmed by the amount of toxins we consume every day from just ordinary exposures like eating dinner or drinking water.  (This doesn’t take into account a big blast of radiation coming from the Far East.)  One day, the toxic burden in our bodies becomes so great that we get sick.  We go to the doctor and try to find the cause of our “sudden” illness not realizing that the true cause of the illness has been building for years. Lots of doctors and medical people are beginning to recognize the impact environmental toxins have on our bodies. 

Dr. Apsley recommends a protocol of products to combat the radiation exposure.  One of the main elements he suggests is the use of kelp or blue-green algae.  I have some concerns about using these products.  As Dr. Apsley states on his website, the radiation will be getting into our water and our food chain.  If this is the case, won’t the kelp be affected by this radiation too?  And by taking large doses of kelp, aren’t we still exposing ourselves to radiation?  I don’t know … he’s the doctor.  I am just concerned.  I don’t eat fish or sea food because of the mercury they are finding in those products.  I’m not sure I will take the kelp either.
Personally, I deep cleanse my body of toxins every week, and take a little extra cleanse every day.  I am not talking about an organ cleanse such as liver or colon cleanses.  I take a gentler cleanse that works at the cellular level to get rid of the environmental toxins that constantly bombard my body.  I am going to continue this practice and also looking into some of the recommendations from Dr. Apsley to see what I might add during the initial stages of this radiation threat.

For more information on this topic, check out the MIT NSE Nuclear Information Hub web site.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welcome to Lean, Clean, Green Lifestyles

Hi!  I’m glad you’re here to learn more about how to live a LEANER, CLEANER, GREENER LIFESTYLE.  I am excited to share the things I am learning with you as I transition from a traditional American lifestyle to a lifestyle that is “leaner, cleaner and greener.”

As I start this blog, let me tell you a little bit about myself.  Ten years ago I received some devastating news concerning my health.  I won’t go into specifics, but at the time I was given a 4% chance of recovering from my illness and a 10% chance of surviving at all.  If this diagnosis was not bad enough, over the course of the next year I received two more diagnoses for equally dangerous and debilitating illnesses.  All three illnesses were autoimmune diseases … and all three could take my life.
I spent most of the next ten years in bed because I was unable to move my frozen joints or throbbing muscles.  To say the least, this was not the way I wanted to spend the rest of my life.  My husband and I never gave up the hope that we could find an answer to all of these problems.  My doctors were pleased at the “fight” they saw in me.  They told me that my attitude had saved my life.
Now … let’s fast forward to the end of March 2010.  This was just a year ago.  I was introduced to the importance of detoxifying and replenishing my body in a healthy way.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much my life has changed during this past year.  Not only have I taken off 100 pounds, but I am also beginning to live the life of my dreams (which you will learn more about in future posts.)  After such an amazing come back, I have become totally focused on how to continue to get better and improve my life.  I have been doing a lot of research and making lots of changes to my life.  This is an exciting adventure.

If you have read this far, your questions might be – what is this blog about?  Why should I come back and read it?  What is in it for me?  Well the answer is that I would love you to join me on this adventure to transition to a leaner, cleaner and greener lifestyle.  Through this blog I will be including information I learn through my research, tips for living leaner, cleaner and greener, and share ideas about how together we can help others make this transition.
I will be posting articles, tips, recipes and other interesting tidbits I come across every week.  I hope you will check back regularly and contribute your own ideas about how to live leaner, cleaner and greener. 
Please Note:  No product advertising will be accepted.  Products or services that relate to a post are permitted.  My intention for this blog is to help others make the transition to a healthier lifestyle along with me, not to sell products.