About Me

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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Go Bananas and Get Rid of Your Wrinkles

Image from www.PositiveMed.com
This article from PositiveMed.com describes simple natural recipes to combat the dreaded wrinkle!!  For instance, did you know that bananas and banana peels have been used for centuries to help many skin conditions, including acne, wrinkles, warts, psoriasis and poison ivy?  Neither did I!!  But here are some easy natural remedies for wrinkles!!

1. Mash a banana until it has a creamy texture and apply it to your entire face for 30 minutes, bananas have so much more going for them than just a delicious and nutritious treat.

 2. Coconut oil is the best option when it comes to natural wrinkle removal, since it rebuilds our skin tissue and will also leave your face skin moisturized and feeling smooth and beautiful.

 3. Pineapple juice can easily rival any treatment, in fact it is much better, because they are packed with the enzyme bromelain which naturally eats away our top layer of skin when applied topically and leaves the new fresh skin underneath.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Special Friends in the Garden!!!

Here is a great chart to determine friendly companions and not so friendly companions in the garden from The Yarder Facebook Page and One Creative Mommy's web site.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The NEW Advanced Bedtime Belly Buster and Info on a Good Nights Sleep

Here is the NEW BEDTIME BELLY BUSTER complements of Larry Fuchs, Jr. and Dr.Suk Cho.

So why the NEW Bedtime Belly Buster?During a recent phone conversation, Susan Sly and Dr. Suk Cho started discussing the Bedtime Belly Buster (BBB). They both had concerns about the amount of daily calcium, when calcium was included in the BBB. With 2 IsaLean shakes daily, along with the Ageless Essentials a.m. and p.m. you are getting all the bio available calcium you need for the day. Newer studies shown that at a certain level of calcium, it becomes to high and you can get more calcification in the joints and can lead to greater challenges.

The main reason for having the IsaCalcium in the BBB, was it put you in a deeper sleep, faster. This is know as the REM (rapid eye movement) cycle. Now we have the Isagenix Sleep Spray which can safely accomplish the same objective. You can read more on the REM cycle below.

For the New Bedtime Belly Buster, you will need:
1 scoop Isa Pro (NOT IsaLean Pro!)
1 scoop or 1 packet of IsaFruits
4 ounces purified water
2 ice cubes (optional)
Shake or Blend

1 to 4 sprays of the Isagenix Sleep Spray
2 to 3 IsaOmegas

When do I take BBB?Shut down you computer and shut off the T.V. Take your BBB and Sleep spray, and then brush your teeth. Go to bed and relax, write down your gratitude's for
the day, read some kind of self developement. The best time for you to produce
growth hormones is getting quality sleep between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.

Step 1:

BBB with Ice: Place 4 ounces of water along with 2 ice cubes in your IsaBlender vessel. Screw on the blade and blend until the ice is dissolved. Then add 1 scoop Isa Pro and 1 scoop IsaFruits and blend again for 5 seconds. Since the IsaFruits blend together better than the former IsaCalcium, a quick 5 second blend will cut down to foam.
Without Ice: Place 4 ounces of water in your IsaBlender vessel, add 1 scoop Isa Pro and 1 scoop IsaFruits and blend for 5 seconds and drink. Because the IsaFruits blend easier than the calcium,Take you can also mix this in your Isagenix Shaker Cup.

Step 2:Use 1 to 4 sprays of the Isagenix Sleep Spray , your normal amount. If you have not used the sleep spray in the past, start with 1 spray and work from there.

Take up to 3 IsaOmegas. Caution! If you are on blood thinners or at any risk of having thin blood or have a family history of strokes, you want to skip the IsaOmegas.
Isa Pro builds muscle, Muscle burn 300% more calories than fat.
IsaFruits has many ingredients to help torch body fat. Contains Prebiotics and probiotics
Isagenix Sleep Spray help get you into the REM cycle faster.
IsaOmegas helps burns fat and help your body get shredded.

There are two main types of sleep:
  1. Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) Sleep (also known as quiet sleep
  2. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep (also known asactive sleep or paradoxical sleep

The Beginnings of Sleep

During the earliest phases of sleep, you are still relatively awake and alert. The brain produces what are known as beta waves, which are small and fast. As the brain begins to relax and slow down, slower waves known as alpha waves are produced. During this time when you are not quite asleep, you may experience strange and extremely vivid sensations known as hypnagogic hallucinations. Common examples of this phenomenon include feeling like you are falling or hearing someone call your name.

Another very common event during this period is known as a myoclonic jerk. If you've ever startled suddenly for seemingly no reason at all, then you have experienced this odd phenomenon. While it may seem unusual, these myoclonic jerks are actually quite common.

Stage 1

Stage 1 is the beginning of the sleep cycle, and is a relatively light stage of sleep. Stage 1 can be considered a transition period between wakefulness and sleep. In Stage 1, the brain produces high amplitude theta waves, which are very slow brain waves. This period of sleep lasts only a brief time (around 5-10 minutes). If you awaken someone during this stage, they might report that they weren't really asleep.

Stage 2

Stage 2 is the second stage of sleep and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. The brain begins to produce bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity known as sleep spindles. Body temperature starts to decrease and heart rate begins to slow.

Stage 3

Deep, slow brain waves known as delta waves begin to emerge during stage 3 sleep. Stage 3 is a transitional period between light sleep and a very deep sleep.

Stage 4

Stage 4 is sometimes referred to as delta sleepbecause of the slow brain waves known as delta waves that occur during this time. Stage 4 is a deep sleep that lasts for approximately 30 minutes. Bed-wetting and sleepwalking are most likely to occur at the end of stage 4 sleep.

Stage 5

Most dreaming occurs during the fifth stage of sleep, known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is characterized by eye movement, increased respiration rate and increased brain activity. REM sleep is also referred to as paradoxical sleep because while the brain and other body systems become more active, muscles become more relaxed. Dreaming occurs due because of increased brain activity, but voluntary muscles become paralyzed.

The Sequence of Sleep Stages

It is important to realize, however, that sleep does not progress through these stages in sequence. Sleep begins in stage 1 and progresses into stages 2, 3 and 4. After stage 4 sleep, stage 3 and then stage 2 sleep are repeated before entering REM sleep. Once REM sleep is over, the body usually returns to stage 2 sleep. Sleep cycles through these stages approximately four or five times throughout the night.

On average, we enter the REM stage approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep. The first cycle of REM sleep might last only a short amount of time, but each cycle becomes longer. REM sleep can last up to an hour as sleep progresses.

If you would like to get started on YOUR flat belly please feel free to contact me at:
or visit my website

Monday, July 8, 2013

Super Simple Homemade Grout Cleaner ... It Works!!

I wasn't sure this grout cleaner would work because it was so simple to make with ingredients I had on hand in my pantry ... but it worked like a CHARM!!!  No more expensive grout cleaners for me!!!
7 cups water, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/3 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup vinegar - throw in a spray bottle and spray your floor, let it sit for a minute or two... then scrub.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Bugged by Flies ... Try This Crazy Trick!!

Image from www.waycooldogs.com
Here is a great trick if you are bugged by flys!!!! All you need is a zip lock bag filled with water and some pennies!!!

 I read  this story from Barb Miller on Facebook. "We went with friends to a restaurant on Sunday for lunch and sat in the patio section beside the store. We happened to notice zip lock baggies pinned to a post and a wall. The bags were half filled with ...water, each contained 4 pennies, and they were zipped shut. Naturally we were curious! The owner told us that these baggies kept the flies away! So naturally we were even more curious! We actually watched some flies come in the open window, stand around on the window sill, and then fly out again. And there were no flies in the eating area! This morning I checked this out on Google".

 Below are comments on this fly control idea. I'm now a believer!

 #1 Says: I tried the zip lock bag and pennies this weekend. I have a horse trailer. The flies were bad while I was camping. I put the baggies with pennies above the door of the LQ. NOT ONE FLY came in the trailer. The horse trailer part had many. Not sure why it works but it does!

#2 Says: Fill a zip lock bag with water and 5 or 6 pennies and hang it in the problem area. In my case it was a particular window in my home. It had a slight passage way for insects. Every since I have done that, it has kept flies and wasps away. Some say that wasps and flies mistake the bag for some other insect nest and are threatened.

#3 Says: I swear by the plastic bag of water trick. I have them on porch and basement. We saw these in Northeast Mo. at an Amish grocery store& have used them since. They say it works because a fly sees a reflection& won't come around.

#4 Says: Regarding the science behind zip log bags of water? My research found that the millions of molecules of water presents its own prism effect and given that flies have a lot of eyes, to them it's like a zillion disco balls reflecting light, colors and movement in a dizzying manner. When you figure that flies are prey for many other bugs, animals, birds, etc., they simply won't take the risk of being around that much perceived action. I moved to a rural area and thought these "hillbillies" were just yanking my city boy chain but I tried it and it worked immediately! We went from hundreds of flies to seeing the occasional one, but he didn't hang around long.