About Me

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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Day 22: Saving Time in the Kitchen: Cooking Once a Week

Are you one of those people who is always rushing here and there but still seems to run out of time to get everything done?  Do you have a mile-high TODO list and no time to do it? I know that when I was working I was one of those people too.   Here and there and everywhere!  I knew I had to reorganize my life so I could work, get my errands done, do the household chores, spend time with family and cook meals every day.  I didn’t have much time to add in fun things, like visiting friends, going to a movie or even putting my feet up to read a book.  Your schedule might be the same.  If you have children you also have the additional task of getting your kids to where they need to be, when they need to be there!  Do you suddenly hear Helen Reddy singing  … “I am woman hear me roar?”  Well you should … because that is a beastly schedule to keep up with.

I always felt overwhelmed until I started taking control of my life, one issue at a time.  The first step in my life-reorganizing project  was meal preparation.  I decided the simplest change I could make is to cook only one day a week instead of seven.  And here is how I did it.

On Saturday:

1.  I decide the meals I wanted to make for the coming week.  I usually made three entrĂ©e dishes.  One would be an oven recipe, one would be a crockpot meal and the third would be a top-of-the-stove dish.  I would include items such as a weekly salad bar.  I would also plan a very simple side dish and dessert.

2.  Next, I list all the ingredients needed for the meals and put them on a shopping list.  Saturday is my errand day and I will hit the grocery store while I am out.  If you have kids who play sports on Saturday, you might opt for using another day for shopping so you can attend the games, or partner up with your hubby and take turns doing the shopping.  One weekend he goes to the game and you shop and the next weekend you change it up and you go to the game while he does the shopping.  (Good luck with that!!)

On Sunday:

3.  Sunday afternoons are usually pretty quiet for my husband and me, so I usually prepare all the meals for the week in on Sunday afternoon.  This probably takes about 3 hours.  Now don’t get excited, remember you are going to save two hours a night NOT cooking or cleaning up for the REST OF THE WEEK! 

4.  The first thing I do is organize all the ingredients for all of the meals.  All the vegetables are together by this sink, ready to be washed.  The canned foods and spices are lined up.  Dairy products and meats remain in the refrigerator.

5.  Now you have a chance to delegate some of the tasks.  The first task is to wash all the vegetables.  A child or even your husband (wink) can help with this part.  I usually fill a big bowl of water in the sink with some white vinegar to soak and wash the vegetables and put them in a strainer to drip dry.

6.  The second task is to cut up all of the veggies.  Make a note how many of the items need to be diced, sliced and/or minced. 

7.  There are three tools I could not live without in the kitchen.  A good set of knives, the Vidalia Chop Wizard and a set of flexible cutting mats.  The flexible cutting mats are handy and easy to clean.  Not only use them for chopping, I also put them on the counter where I am working to keep the counter clean.  The chopping wizard makes chopping and dicing  a cinch – its kinda like Whack-a-Mole™, if you remember that game.  The newer Wizards have several different blades to facilitate different cuts.  With the Chopping Wizard, even a child can help with the cutting.  Another child would be in charge of tearing up the lettuce for the salad bar


After cutting the vegetables, put them in small bowls until they are ready to be added to a recipe.

8.  The next task is to prep the meats or fish.  Check the recipes and see how each piece is to be prepared.  Do all the cutting at once and then put the prepared meat back into the refrigerator until ready to be used.

9.  Get out all of the measuring tools, pans, crockpot and baking dishes.

10.  Assemble the recipes beginning with the crockpot recipe.  It is often helpful to have someone read the recipe while another person does the actual assembly.  Prepare the oven dish next, and follow with the top-of-stove recipe. If a side dish needs to be prepared, do it at this time.

8.  While the three dishes are cooking, clean up all of the tools and dishes used in the prep and put them in the dishwasher to be cleaned while dinner is cooking.  Clean and sanitize the counters and take a break – you deserve it.

9.  After the meals are cooked, you can put them in the refrigerator and give yourself a pat on the back and enjoy the week ahead with no cooking in sight.

Tip #1:  Always make an ample amount of each dish.  The leftovers can be frozen for a meal at a different time, or can be packed away for a lunch.

Tip #2:  I always make a huge bowl of lettuce and greens for a week’s worth of salad bars.  I cut extra vegetables to use as add-ons to the salads and put them into small containers.  I also put things like raisins, cashews, pineapple tidbits, beans, corn, etc. in bowls.  At dinner time, we pull out all the bowls and set up the salad bar.  A different salad every night – no muss no fuss!

Personal Note:  Sunday night is a great night to call out for PIZZA or Chinese!!!

Well, there is my routine for making more time with the family and less time in the kitchen.  Let me know what you think!

Daily Stats:

Start:     Wt.  235.0     BGlucose:  130     BPressure:  140/79
Today:   Wt.  220.0     BGlucose:  104     BPressure:  125/64

Friday, July 27, 2018

Day 18: Dr. Becky Gillaspy video: Intermittent Fasting Over 50

If you are over 50 (like me!!), then you need to know that there are some very IMPORTANT reasons for you to consider Intermittent Fasting.  In this 4-minute video, Dr. Becky Gillaspy highlights those reasons.  Tune in … the benefits are great and they could save your life!

If you have been following my posts you know that I have lost over 100 pounds.  One of the tools I am using to complete my 200 pound journey is Intermittent Fasting.

I follow the 16:8 Fast which is also known as the Leangains Fast.  I was very nervous about going on a fast because I thought it meant I had to give up my favorite foods or that I could only drink water for days on end.

Neither of those two fears occurred.  I have given up certain foods I used to devour … but I didn't HAVE to give them up in order to do the Intermittent Fast.  This fast has been easy to incorporate into my lifestyle.  I am rarely hungry and I actually enjoy stepping on the scale in the morning (never thought I would say THAT!!), and seeing the results.

P.S.  You don't have to be over 50 or even a woman to get these benefits.  The sooner you start, the healthier you will be!!

If you have questions about Intermittent Fasting, either leave a comment here or contact me at my email account: newtraditions99@yahoo.com.

Daily Stats: Day 18Start 7/8/2018:      Wt.  235.0   B.Glucose: 130    B.Pressure: 140/79Today 7/25/2018:  Wt. 219.6    B.Glucose:  113   B.Pressure: 125/64

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Day 17: Let’s Take a Walk: Quick Tips for A Good Walk

You’ve been walking since you were a baby.  Would you be surprised to find out you might not be doing it correctly?  Now that I am walking more, I noticed that by the end of my walk my back and legs felt fatigued.  A friend gave me a list of guidelines for proper posture and techniques to improve my walking sessions.  Since I have been following these guidelines I feel like I have a lot more energy during and after my walks.  

Lengthen Your Spine
Imagine a string attached to a balloon which is attached to the top of your head and being pulled upward, making you as tall as you can be. While you are on your walk do not lean forward (from the waist) because you could be putting a strain on your back causing fatigue or possible injury.

Keep Your Chin Up
I have a habit of looking down at the ground when I am walking.  The guidelines say to look up, chin parallel to the ground, while you’re walking which will result in less neck and back pain. 

Take Natural Strides

Don’t “push” your steps.  Instead keep your strides as natural as possible.  Taking longer than natural steps could cause an injury.  Move with a fluid, comfortable stride.
Have Fun
Make your walk a bright part of your day.  It is a fantastic exercise (especially if you are just getting back into exercise like me!!).  A walk can lift your spirits and bring you joy at the same time you are getting fit.  When I walk, I take in the beauty around me.  It is also a terrific time for me to meditate or repeat my affirmations.  Often I use the time to sort out a project or a problem I am working on.  I love walking in the evening with my husband.  We do a lot of "future planning" on our walks. 
P.S.  Leave your phone at home!!!

Walking is a wonderful exercise … Incorporate it into your day … Make it a Habit

Daily Stats:
Start Day 1:      Wt: 235.0    Bl. Glucose: 130    Bl. Pressure: 140/79
Today Day 17:  Wt: 221.6    Bl. Glucose: 77      Bl. Pressure: 134/70

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Day: 8: Fred Flintstone Feet Relief

Hi!!  I'm finally able to post!!  The date for the first post was supposed to be 7/8/2018, but I had a little trouble getting it posted until today!

I am excited.  I have made some great progress since I started my new Challenge.  I started this Challenge weighing 235 pounds.  That is 100 pounds less than my top weight of 335+.  Today I weighed in at 225.9.  That is amazing!!  I have to admit though, that some of that loss is water weight.  My feet and legs have been so swollen up with edema (water retention) that from the knees down I looked like Fred Flintstone!!!  

I found two great solutions for water retention.  The first is to drink lots of green tea.  It acts as a diuretic and reduces the fluid trapped in the tissue of my legs and feet.  The swelling is definitely going down!! 

The second solution is this simple exercise: 

1,  Sit on the floor, facing a wall.  Lay back and slide your "behind" right up to the wall with your legs extended up the wall at a 45-degree angle from your torso.

2.  Put a soft roller or a pillow under the arch of your back.  Keep your legs straight and relax your arms and shoulders.  Hold this position for 20 minutes.

3.  As always, check with your doctor if you have problems with your back or legs before starting this exercise.

Lifting your legs like this everyday helps with the swelling in your legs and feet by getting your blood to circulate through your body and moving the fluid from your lower extremities.  There are other benefits from this simple exercise.  To learn what they are,  just watch this little clip from Bright Side.
The second solution here:  https://www.facebook.com/brightside.mini/videos/494889230941437/?t=46

Since I wasn't able to get this posted until today … I will give the stats for the past few days below:


July 8th (Start):          Wt: 235.0    Blood Glucose: 130

July 15th:                     Wt:  233.8   Blood Glucose: 123
July 16th:                     Wt: 230:4    Blood Glucose: 119
July 17th:                     Wt: 228.1    Blood Glucose: 85
July 18th (Today):     Wt: 225.9     Blood Glucose: 89  
Difference:  9.1 pounds

My Journey to Lose the NEXT 100 Pounds

Hi!!  My name is Donna and I am inviting you to join me for the next phase of my journey to become thin, fit, healthy and happy.  
Beginning today, I am challenging myself to complete my 200 pound weight loss goal.  So, everyday I hope  to blog about what I am doing to get healthy and lose the last 100 pounds.

You see, I have already lost 100 pounds, but I have been stuck at this point for a couple of years.  Recently I had a serious medical scare and my husband, my doctors and yours truly weren't so sure I was going to turn the corner and get better this time. I decided (along with the guidance of my Heavenly Father), it was time to get back on track and stop fooling around.  This life was a gift to me, and it is no drill. This is it.

I am a former teacher, I have an MSW in clinical social work and I am also a certified wellness coach.  To release the first 100 pounds, I have had to make many changes in my life.  I have learned tons about nutrition, diet and exercise.  But I have also learned that in order to live a thin, fit, healthy, happy life, it takes more than those three elements to really achieve my goal.  I am excited to share what I am learning with you and what is working for me.  I will be giving tips, tricks, motivations, successful goal setting ideas, scientific findings, and lots more.  I will also be sharing about my life, my thoughts and my wellness program.

I hope you will join me, whether you have some weight to lose yourself, or you would just like to cheer me on.  I would really love for you to be part of this blog by giving me your feedback and by sharing your own ideas and giving me your comments about my progress.  I also hope you will ask me lots of questions. At the same time,  I would also love to learn about YOU, and what has worked or hasn't worked for you in your own efforts to lose weight.  Maybe we can even become accountability buddies as we release those pesky pounds together. I hope we can go do this together and live a "Lean Clean Green Lifestyle."


WEIGHT: 235 LBS.          BLOOD GLUCOSE: 130
BMI: 40.3                           VISCERAL FAT: 14  
BODY AGE:  71                TOTAL INCHES:                 



Friday, January 1, 2016

Join us for our Isagenix #Global Cleanse Day on Jan. 4, 2016

Six Things You Should Know About Cleansing For The New Year

Join the group cleanse and
start your year out right

Get ready to cleanse
in the New Year

The New Year calls for a fresh start and a renewed commitment to reaching your weight-loss, health, and fitness goals. It’s why January is one of the most popular months for performing Isagenix Cleanse Days for getting rid of unwanted pounds and inches. Isagenix product users will have the chance to participate in Global Cleanse Day on Monday, January 4 to start their year off the right way
But before rushing into any cleansing routine, it’s a good idea to know what to expect. To keep you informed, we’ve put together a collection of some of our past articles on cleansing to help you get on your way. Brush up on the best Cleanse Day practices, the science behind why cleansing works, and why performing Cleanse Days regularly can be important for overall health and sustained weight loss.

Why Cleansing With Isagenix Works

There’s a simple remedy for the repeated cycle of losing weight and putting it right back on. It’s a clinically validated system like Isagenix armed with tools like Shake Days, and Cleanse Days styled after the scientifically supported practice of intermittent fasting, as an ideal foundation for health and sustainable weight loss.

What Happens to Your Body on an Isagenix Cleanse Day

How do Cleanse Days work to guide you to health and weight-loss goals? Here’s a look at what’s happening inside your body. For example, you’ll learn how Cleanse Days help reset insulin sensitivity and encourage detoxification to bring about amazing changes to transform your body.

Beyond Detox: How Fasting ‘Cleanses’ Your Cells
An Isagenix-style Cleanse Day is modeled after the widely studied practice of intermittent fasting. As you’ll learn in this article, scientists have shown that fasting works on the cellular level for “cleaner” cells that bring about better health and results.

9 Tips To Prepare For A Successful Cleanse Day

There’s nothing worse than feeling overwhelmed or unprepared on a Cleanse Day. Reading through these nine tips will help you get organized so that you can avoid any minor issues that could detract from your Cleanse Day results.

Myth: Cleanse Days and Exercise Are a ‘No-Go’

Should you exercise on a Cleanse Day? Studies show that Cleanse Days and light exercise can be a great match. While Cleanse Days are a powerful tool of the Isagenix System, exercise offers its own unique benefits that support health and weight management.

Top 25 Questions About Isagenix and Nutritional Cleansing

Still one of our most visited articles to date, Dr. Ina Nozek tackles some of the most commonly asked questions about an Isagenix Cleanse Day. No matter where you are in your Isagenix journey, this FAQ is always insightful and acts as a great resource to have on hand.
Armed with scientific validation and pointers for success, you can be fully prepared and educated about the science behind cleansing to help you reach your goals in the New Year.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Most Important Video You Might Ever Watch

If you are my friend, you know that I credit of the remarkable turnaround of my health, which kept me bedridden for over eight years, to nutritional cleansing.  I am on a mission.  I believe that everyone who is living, breathing, and eating in this world should be cleansing.  The reason?  We are so bombarded by toxic elements in our environment, food and air that we have opened ourselves up to all sorts of diseases and cancers.

I hope that all I know and love will view this video .... I think it is one of the most important videos I have ever seen.  Please watch because I love you.

If you want to know more, please contact me at newtraditions99@yahoo.com.