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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Exercises for People with Bad Knees

My friends know that my knees are really bad.  In fact, they are bone-on-bone, so doing most exercises is very difficult for me.  I found this article by Maura Banar on www.livestrong.com that offers several suggestions for people like me who have bad knees.  I am getting started this week.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Step 1
Swim at least 3 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes. Swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises you can do with no impact on your knees. Swimming also provides resistance training, which strengthens the muscles surrounding the knees. If possible, swim in moderately warm water so that your muscles aren't prone to injury from sudden movement while contracted from cold water. Warm up with light stretching in the water before swimming and avoid the butterfly stroke, which can make knee pain and injury worse.
Step 2
Ride a stationary or regular bicycle for 30 to 45 minutes at least 4 days a week. Cycling doesn't cause impact, but it does provide resistance, especially on hills. Keep this in mind when cycling and consult with your physical therapist or fitness professional to determine the appropriate amount of resistance for your knee condition. Recumbent bicycles are also great for even less resistance on the knees and lower back and can be used outdoors or in your local gym.
Step 3
Use an elliptical machine, either at the gym or at home. Elliptical machines exercise both the upper and lower body, with resistance rather than impact. The benefit of using the elliptical is that you can choose to use your arms more to control the movement, rather than completely relying on your legs. If you can only use your legs for short periods of time, the elliptical may be right for you. In addition, you can increase the incline of the elliptical machine, which increases the amount of resistance, if necessary.
Step 4
Exercise your upper body. Lift weights, use fitness machines at the gym or resistance bands at home. You can strengthen your upper body and build muscle mass and burn fat, all without using your knees. Do at least five different exercises of 8 to 12 repetitions. For aerobic benefit, rest for 30 to 45 seconds between sets. This is also known as "interval training" and is an effective way to stay in good cardiovascular shape without aggravating your knees. For aerobic benefit and weight loss, aim to keep your heart at 50 to 75 percent of its target rate during the workout. Be sure to warm up and cool down for 15 minutes before and after your upper-body training.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/205185-how-to-exercise-with-bad-knees-to-lose-weight/#ixzz25fL88AVo

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