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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Better Red Than Dead - Or how to soothe a sunburn!!

I have been very lucky so far this summer … I haven’t had a sunburn yet … of course I live in Oregon, and the sun hasn’t really found us this year.

Though I have been lucky so far, I know that once the sun does come out, I will turn a shade of red that even roses would be envious of!!!  I wouldn’t mind if that lush red turned into a golden tan … but no such luck!!

Just in case you find yourself half-baked and in pain this summer … here are some sunburn remedies you might like to try.

Aloe Vera Gel is generally recommended.  Not only does it heal the skin, I find it also takes the heat out of the burn.  You can find Aloe Vera Gel in nearly any store, but why not try it directly from the source: the Aloe Vera plant.  Just slice the leaf open, and smear the gooey stuff that is inside the leaf on your skin.  Don’t wipe it off.  You will feel the cooling healing starting almost immediately.

Another time tested remedy for sunburn is bicarbonate of soda (baking soda).  Just put four or five tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl of cool water.  Soak cotton balls or a clean cloth in the bowl and lightly dab it onto your burned skin

This next method is not one I have tried myself, but a friend swears that mixing a cup of skim milk with four cups of cold water, and then taking a clean cloth soaked in the mixture and pressing it against your skin will bring relief.  You need to repeat the process for a half hour on the hour for four hours (or until the pain is relieved).
My husband is a nut for natural Vitamin E gel.  We were skin diving in the Caribbean once and he got the worst sunburn I have ever seen on the back of his legs.  We didn’t have anything for a sunburn and so he poked little holes in his vitamin E gel capsules and smeared the gel over the burned areas on the back of his legs.  I was impressed.  He didn’t blister or peel. If you try this, make sure you use natural vitamin E, not a synthetic version.

My grandma told me one time that if you have a bad sunburn, you should fill an old sock with uncooked oatmeal and then swish the sock in warm bath water until the water turns milky, then jump into the tub and soak.  You may find it as relaxing as it is refreshing.

If you like soaking in a bath tub, you might try putting 6 or 7 green tea teabags into warm bath water.  Let the water cool a little, then get in and soak.  The green tea will relieve the sunburn and boost healing.  You can also put the wet teabags on the most sunburned areas on your skin

The last idea was my mom’s favorite sunburn remedy. Apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized and unfiltered).  Any time my brother or I would come in the house with a rosy glow, she would slather us with apple cider vinegar.  I swear I smelled like a pickle most of the summer.  But it did relieve the pain and sped up the healing (after you overcome the initial sting of the application!!)  This method can be used even if the sunburn is blistering or beginning to peel.

Well … I hope this article helps you in case you do get burnt this summer.  In Oregon, I fear, we are more likely to rust than sunburn this year though.

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