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Former teacher, clinical social worker and now entrepreneur. My focus, no matter what career I am engaged in, has been on helping people. Now I am on an incredible journey to change life in a leaner, cleaner, greener way. I hope you will join me in this transition.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lushious Lavender Lemonade (Plus Recipe)

I have been making tea from my Spearmint and Chocolate Mint leaves for weeks now ... but today I noticed that my lavender is about to bloom!!!!!  I love it!!!  ... Time to start making Lavender Lemonade.  So sweet, so refreshing. 

The recipe I am posting has *white sugar in it ... but I substitute Truvia for the sugar.  I have also made it without sugar, and it is more tart, but still delicious.  If you want a quick fix for sugar-free Lavender Lemonade, buy Crystal Light Sugar Free Lemonade.  (I'm not sure, but I think it contains Equal, which I try to stay away from) then add cold water that has been infused with the lavender buds.

Here's the recipe:

Lavender Lemonade

1 Tray Ice Cubes
1/4 cup dried lavender
2 cups boiling water
3/4 cups white sugar*
8 lemons
5 cups cold water (or as needed)

1.  Place ice cubes into a 2 quart pitcher.  Place the lavender into a bowlm, and pour boiling water over it.  Allow to steep for about 10 minutes, then strain out the lavender and discard. Mix the sugar into the hot lavender water, then pour into the pitcher with the ice.

2.  Squeeze the juice from the lemons into the pitcher, getting as much juice as you can.  Top off the pitcher with cold water, and stir.  Taste and adjust lemon juice or sugar if desired.  Pour into tall glasses.  For guests, top with a fresh sprig of lavender.

Note:  If you are not growing your own lavender, be sure the lavender you buy if "food grade" and not sprayed etc.

Nutritional Info (1/6th recipe with white sugar):  Calories: 127, Fat: 0.5g, Chol: 0mg, Sodium: 15mg, Carbs: 40.7g, Dietary Fiber: 7g, Protein: 1.8g

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